Today is day two with our new schedule and from my point of view it seems to be on the right track. My 7th grade and 8th grade has  a schedule that allows them to basically have the same academic classes every day. So each day 7th has math and science at 9:20 and 10:05 respectively and 8th grade has science and math at 11:05 and 11:30 respectively. This consistency is a real help to students and teachers alike.

8th grade is working on their geology podcasts. I am hoping that they will be available for your listening pleasure the beginning of next week. Keep your ears tuned!

7th grade has been working on classification and have found an interest in the fungi kingdom at this moment. With so many mushrooms in everyone's yards they are investigating mushrooms and spore prints. A few students found some a recess time and brought them in today. Thanks Grace and Nicole! I look forward to see what others bringing tomorrow and where our discussion takes us.

6th grade was finishing up their work on density and are beginning to ask questions about elements and what they are and where they come from. Great day today in class.

The reports from the dance were that we made a nice sum of money but that there were issues that need to be worked out before the next dance. Clean up being the big sticking point but also start timing and how to deal with larger groups. We had an informative discussion about their experience and ways to improve it for the next time.

Also thanks to Robin and Danica for putting together 50 raffle ticket books last night!

Wow, it is Friday already and before I know it the term will be ending (Nov. 5).  Yesterday the middle school had a great trip back in time with a reading from letters of John Richardson and his sisters as he took part in the Civil War. Jack and Katie did an outstanding job with their characters and giving us a glimpse in time of both life at war and on Appleton ridge during the 1860's. 

The story of these letters that were found at the Pitman house on the ridge is quite amazing. Both sides of their correspondence was found in a barn  and has been transcribed by the present residents of the house, who are related to the letter writers 150 years ago. There are copies of these letters at both the Appleton School library and the Appleton town library. It was a great history lesson brought to life with local resources and stories. Thank you all for bringing those letters to life for all of us.

For those of you who were wondering a rod is a unit of measure that is 16.5 feet long and is based on a unit measure in surveying during that time period.

Basketball practices are finishing up now and then the dance will be getting underway in a few hours. Thanks to Amanda Boyington, Mr. Caron for helping get this dance up and running and hugh thanks to Toni Clark for chaperoning this one. Trusting that all goes well and there are plenty who attend. Looking forward to the stories on Monday morning.

Next Saturday, Oct 30th is the Hunter's Breakfast so get your appetite up for that one.

On a school related note the schedule will be changing on Monday so student's days will be slightly different from what we have become used to these first two months. The schedule looks much like the schedule that we have had for the last few years.  I am looking forward to some constants in our routines and get the learning rolling. 

I am also looking forward to what appears to be a very "fall weekend" coming up.

John Richardson's reader

Day 34



With a strong finish from parents signing up for conferences it looks like we will have full afternoon today. Thank you all for finding time in your day to sit down and meet with teachers and students to help in the education of your children. 

8th grade has spent the last 20 minutes creating some more raffle tickets so I hope that you can find an 8th grader, or even better an 8th graders can find you and give you an opportunity to get your name in for the FIREWOOD raffle.

7th grade has done a clean up on the tank today and have noted with their chemistry tests that the nitrate level is higher than last week which might explain the loss of one of the crabs yesterday. I also feed them fish yesterday and some of the left over fish might also have contributed to the high nitrate level as the fish starts to decompose. It also explains the aroma in my classroom yesterday. 

Looking forward to some Civil War time letter reading from the Moody family tomorrow afternoon! Thanks M

Day 32



Well this was only the second Monday this year that we have not had testing or some other activity interrupt the class schedule. Amazing, but not out of the ordinary in this testing fever that is education.  Parent student teacher conferences are happening this Wednesday. Check your conference time.

Well 7th grade got started on a Stock Market Game in math class and will be working once a week on their financial plans, trades, and hopefully profits for the next few months.  

For 8th grade half the class was working on NECAP makeups and then we reviewed the tasks that needed to be completed for the dance this Friday. 

As I sit here now I am hearing the squeak of sneakers on the gym floor and realize that the basketball season is swinging into action. They are working on the intro drills and before we know it they will be underway with some game activity. 

8th graders are going to be finishing up assembling the FIREWOOD raffle tickets tomorrow and will be selling them over the next few weeks. Find an 8th grader for a chance to when a cord or two of firewood.  

Also the yearbook staff is going to be getting organized this week with members selling yearbook ads in the near future.

cc photo from horia varlan

What a wild Friday it has been!  Wind and rain and no power and leaving school early and finished NECAP tests and basketball sign ups are on the wall and 8th grade fundraisers and dance next week and soccer is over (well done team) and X country had a meet on Thursday and the tank did fine with the power outage and ...  and ...  and ...

8th grade is trying to get their fundraising ramped up with a raffle for cord wood and the hunter's breakfast at the end of the month. So be looking for the raffle tickets for the wood and if you are an 8th grade parent you might want to check with Amanda to see how your child can help out with the hunter's breakfast. On another note the 8th grade class did a great job over the last two weeks putting forth their best efforts on the NECAP tests that we finished today. Maybe their reward was the early release this afternoon.

7th grade has been working very well with the tank, feeding, cleaning and making observations. We have been working along on our algebra work and some of us are finding moments when the challenges are interesting enough that they don't want to stop for science class. Good work all round!

Parent - Teacher conferences will be next week. Wednesday the 20th is early release and conferences start shortly after that release. If you have not signed up please give the school a call and schedule for a meeting.  Thanks.

Any other news or topics that you think I should be noting here let me know in the comments link at the top right. 

photo cc license from eflon

Ending a sports season is never easy, especially when the rain come as often has it has these last few game days. Good luck to AVS tomorrow in their playoff game against Camden. 

Today we sent home with every middle school student a brief notice that on Tuesday, Oct. 12 @ 6:00 pm there will be a parent meeting to go over the laptop take home procedures. We will begin with a welcome and internet safety talk in the gym for all and then break into groups in the classrooms to go over the paperwork and answer any student or parent questions. These include insurance, the parent's roll and responsibility of the use of the machines at home, and guidelines and consequences.

NECAP tests in math on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week and writing on Thursday and Friday. 

Not looking like soccer weather!
Things in the tank are on the move. Larry the Lobster has been playing bulldozer and has created some huge sand piles. He seems to be pleased with his work. The horseshoe crab, Horse radish, and Larry have been quite pushy but seem to find places in the tank where they can get away from each other. There was a delivery of a few more hermit crabs this morning. 7th grade feed things yesterday and cleaned the tank today.

8th grade is taking their last NECAP reading test this afternoon and that leaves us with math and writing test next week. Check the calendar for the days and times. If a student misses a test they will take a makeup test the following week. For the most part I have been pleased with students use of time and effort towards the test. Good work!

Reminder that Thursday is an early release for students and Friday there is no school for students.  The soccer game for this afternoon has been cancelled due to the rain. A make up game might happen tomorrow. Stay tuned! 

Also to those parents who have not signed up for conferences please call the school to get a meeting time. Conference day is October 20th. 

8th grade fund raisers are getting going with the Hunter's Breakfast on Oct 30. Spread the word and we hope to see you there. 
Wow, we have a X-country meet this afternoon in Searsport and a soccer game at St. George.  Good luck to all involved with those adventures.  We have started the NECAP testing today with the first of three reading tests. These tests will continue into next week with math and writing tests. The 7th graders have been taking over the responsibilities of the tank and to day fed and tested the nitrite levels. All were looking good and acted much better with food in the tank.

Below is an interesting post from an excellent high school principal about education and the media's present marketing of the "issue".  I am hoping to tune into a webinar this evening about this issue.  If you have an interest here is  a link to it. 

Link to Chris Lehmann's post from which the following is quoted.

"I say as both an educator and a parent -- we need a great debate about education in this country.

We should be asking ourselves -- what do we need our schools to be? What do we hope for our children? How are we going to modernize our schools so that they can change with the changing times? What do our children need from schools and how are we going to teach to meet those needs?

We're not going to get there if we expect the politicians and the media to start these conversations. These conversations have to happen in cities and towns all over this country. Parents and children and educators need to take the time to come together and have these conversations. We need to understand that without a vision of what we want our schools to be, reform is destined to fail.

So where do we go from here? What can we do?

Write to MSNBC and demand that the next Education Nation segments focus on how we teach and learn and not on the charter vs. non-charter debate. MSNBC's address is: NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10112

Go to your local school board meetings and ask them how they are going to modernize the schools in your district. Ask them how they see the new tools that kids have at their disposal can -- and should -- change the way we teach and learn. Ask to sit on the committee that is drawing up the technology plan.

Organize conversations in the schools in your neighborhood -- ask the principal to hold an education summit on a Saturday that brings together community members and educators and parents and students and asks the hard questions about what our schools can be and the steps necessary to get there.

We deserve a great conversation about education in this country -- better than the one we're seeing now."

Big day for middle schoolers as the camera man was in the house! Lots of getting that hair just right and trying to remember what the pose was that your parents wanted. Ahh, it is all behind us now.  8th grade even found a place to have their class photo taken, and it was not on the roof. Just so you know!

We had an afternoon trip to Lincolnville to partake in a presentation looking at relationships, how to keep relationships safe and how to help a friend who might be in a difficult relationship. The presentation was well done with a play situation that was interspersed with audience participation and interaction. This format was very successful in both getting the message across and entertaining at the same time. 

Soccer game after school @ 3:45 and I think that there is a X-country meeting either tomorrow or Thursday. Sorry I don't know the details on this. 

The salt water tank is doing well. Another green crab was added this afternoon and Kristen stayed after school to feed the critters so they are fat and happy tonight. 
Maine Maritime Academy Adventures:  7th and 8th grade had a great trip today to Castine to visit Maine Maritime Academy. We had an opportunity to tour some of the facility and the State of Maine. We began in the tank research room, where we heard about and saw student research projects that are going on at this time. It made me think about trying to get some marine research going on in our little tank here at AVS.
We were treated to a lunch at the school dining facility and then heard from the waterfront director about the importance of shipping in all our lives. It is amazing to think about all the "stuff" that is shipped around the world and at Maine Maritime you can learn the ropes and be apart of this industry. There are many other industries that they offer education in but clearly the science and shipping are a focus.

To end the day we had a tour of the State of Maine which is their large training ship that the students do two cruises on while they are at MMA, one in their freshman year and one in their junior year.

Moving on to local news: Remember that our last home soccer games are this week. Wednesday the game is with Lincolnville at 3:45 and Friday is with Vinalhaven at 1:30. 

Looks like September is drawing to a close this week. Where does the time go?

8th grade parent meeting in a few hours. 6:30 to be exact.  See you then.